Underdog Victorious

Our First Music VidLit! All Hail Bobby Cheeks! Another Great Song By Jill Sobule.

Bookmarket Number 1

Satirical Documentarian Paul Slansky’s our Guest Critic


A little metaphysical Scrabble, anyone? The Original VidLit. A Short Story by Liz Dubelman.

I’m Looking At You Mom

Ubiquitous, isn’t she? The original VidLittle.

The Arithmetic of Nurses

Quantifiable Compassion
A Poem by Veneta Masson, RN

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Gay Cowboy

An Original VidLit™ Music Video by Jude

Angry Authors #1

The names have been changed. The tirade is real.

Making It Out Alive

Only the Strong! 4 Tales of High School Survival by Mark Grashow, from WGBH’s Morning Stories

NewsLit – Handy Hero Helps Ford Dodge Bullet Two

NewsLit- A look back on humilating gaffes, slip-up, faux pas, and other sniplets of great historical embarrassment. From VidLit Productions.

NewsLit – Principled Prez Promises Probity

NewsLit- A look back on humilating gaffes, slip-up, faux pas, and other sniplets of great historical embarrassment. From VidLit Productions.

NewsLit – Gip Slips, Tip Quips

NewsLit- A look back on humiliating gaffes, slip-up, faux pas, and other sniplets of great historical embarrassment. From VidLit Productions.

Shame On You Haiku

The Humiliation Meditation. Ignominy at its most poetic.