If you are reading this, then you most likely are of a select group of artists who are up to a creative challenge. The most important part of this challenge is to honor the words given to you. From there, get creative. Give us the classiest work you have in you. Elegant. Ironic. Witty. Well animated. A good drawing. Distinct sounds. It doesn’t have to be elaborate. You could just put a nice sketch as a background for a poem. Or create an audio production. And we can help. Ask us for sounds or access to public domain images. We want to help you.
Nothing sophomoric. Have some new, fresh approach to visuals, and please go for it. With the VidLit team in your arsenal, you have a huge conduit to your audience. Your work (for which you will be duly credited, including your bio and access to your personal site) will likely be seen by thousands of viewers all over the world. It’s great for us, of course, but it behooves you to give your VidLit the knock-it-out-of-the-park try.
Remember, if you’re an artist, animator, illustrator, filmmaker, or sound designer and want to collaborate with us, please submit your email on the project you wish to help create. You can find the email submission form in each story or project page.